I'm hard to shop for. I know this. So I was a bit baffled, offended almost, when someone recently called me “easy to shop for.” I was surprised for two reasons:
1. My preferences are ever-changing and the one thing that I’m pining over today (currently a Kitchen Aid stand mixer) will be forgotten as soon as I'm introduced to the next "it" item. As a designer my tastes are fickle, today's orange, is tomorrow's navy.
2. This someone was suggesting that all it would take to make me happy is buying me some sort of an expensive chair. Again, not true and one of my best friends confirmed it... my friend agreed that yes, buying a gift for me takes great thought and consideration, but at the same time I am rather “easy to shop for” because I don't require expensive things. Like my birthday for example, I was absolutely delighted to received bean soup mix and chocolate peanut butter chip mix from said friend in the mail. He put great thought into it, he knows I love cooking, I love beans, and I love PB. He carefully prepared and packaged the delectable mixes himself, making them even more appreciated.

This same friend noted that I am ridiculously hard to buy flowers for because there are too many rules... but there's only three:
1. No red roses (really, limit roses in general)
2. No pink
3. No baby's breath
Although, flowers are always appreciated more by who’s sending them than what they actually are. Half the time I would prefer just to get a handful of flowers from the side of the road… Anyway below are some flowers that my roommate recently received that would fit my (current) preferences perfectly... green & white lilies, mums, hydrangea, queen anne's lace. Splendid!
Another no-no: stuffed animals. Honestly, what girl over the age of 12 wants a stuffed animal? (Although I do love the stuffed kitten a co-worker gave me...)
So I know I'm picky and it takes more than just spending lots of money on designer chairs to impress me... so don't tell me that I'm easy to shop for. Seriously!
Of course, if you found 4 Henry Bertoia wire chairs for say, $22 each at an estate sale and you purchased them for me, I’d gladly accept!
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