October 19, 2008

Things I learned...

...this weekend on my roadtrip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa:
1. I live in a lot of light pollution. On the dark country roads I could see the stars more clearly than I've seen in a long time. It makes me miss the country.
2. Deal's Orchard may be the best aromatic store I've ever been to.
3. Cedar Rapids is still recovering from this summer's floods, which wiped out most of the downtown, cultural district. I can't believe the amount of damage that was done to all the business' in town, such a sad story.
4. The MGM lion was a pet to one of the owners at Brucemore, a mansion in CR.
5. Standing in line for Scary Acres for over an hour in the cold with a horde of teenagers is overrated.
6. The world's largest frying pan is in Brandon, Iowa (actually now it's the second largest), and can handle 44 dozen eggs at one time. Brandon also is home to Phat Alberts bar and creepy, old men.
7. Fall is definitely my favorite season, it has the best colors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Fall, too. Someone said it's a sign of getting old.
You are too young to love Fall!