December 27, 2012

2012 Goals review

As I prepare for the new year, I looked back at my 2012 goals. Mid-way through the year, I updated my goals and knew I bit off more than I could chew in the beginning.

I did accomplish my major goal of completing my thesis and graduating. But I seriously failed in most of the other categories and may even be worse off then I was at the beginning of the year. Here's a quick recap:

1. Lose 25 pounds. Well... in the spring I was doing well, but then fall and winter came and thesis deadlines loomed and I started this fast food kick and my heavy winter coat showed up again. So, I'll definitely be keeping this one for 2013.

2. 6 Blog posts per month. Definite fail.

3. Read at least 1 book per month. Actually, I think I may have come close to completing this with audio books and grad school books. I'm counting it as a win!

4. Break snooze button habit. Another definite fail.

5. Weekly sketches. Again, I think I sketched more than usual this year (sitting in a psychology seminar). I'm counting it as completed!

6. One craft/art project per month. I think I could say I did this about half the time. So I'll give myself half credit.

7. Finish thesis & graduate! Major success here. I should count it as double points!

So I accomplished right at half my goals. Which isn't nearly as terrible as I had anticipated. I'm thinking through my goals for 2013 now. Hopefully I'll have a better success rate next year!

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