April 4, 2011


I wrote about it here when the ride went through my hometown and it's on my life-goal list here (side note: run a half marathon is also on the list, I think I can safely say that I have removed from the list, what was I thinking? I hate running).
Anyway I'm registered this year for the whole week of RAGBRAI. The whole week. This has me equally excited and terrified... actually maybe it's more of a 30/70 breakdown, 70% terrified that is. Every day my excitement level builds a little as a do more research. I've started training and have something like 15 weeks left to build up my endurance, but look at these pictures:

Image via stevelummer.files.wordpress.com

Image via widerightandnattylight.wordpress.com

Scary. This is the girl that didn't ride her bike in college for fear of not being about to navigate the among pedestrians and feared she would hit one. Now I'll be riding among thousands of other tired cyclists, on hills, and during the hottest week of the year in humid Iowa.

So my training for the event, includes getting in massive amounts of "saddle time", learning to drink beer, and navigation training. Not sure how the last two will pan out, but we'll give it a go. Wish me luck!


john said...

ha, beer drinking training :)

Lenexicon said...

You're going to be awesome! I'm so impressed with you for signing up and committing to this. And if you want, I will beer train with you. Yeah, I'm a good friend like that.